1. Introduction


Website is of strategic importance to the reputation and operation of the firm.  We use it to provide clients with information about the firm, our partners and staff, the services we provide, our experience and relevant news and updates.    It is also a selling tool to inform potential clients about us.


Our website contains pages of contents.  It may also contain numerous external links with graphics, pictures, video and social media embedded within it.  It is therefore essential that the website is at all time accurate, up to date and compliant with all relevant legislation and codes of practice including the SRA code of Conduct.  This policy sets out how this can be achieved.



  1. Definition


The firm’s main website is http://www.mylegalcheckup.uk/.   This domain name is owned on a long-term basis with ownership renewed at appropriate intervals.  The firm may operate other websites for tactical or complain purposes and this policy also applies to any such websites.


Materials and information contained on the website(s) are expressly deemed to be for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or professional advice.  This is made clear to users in the Terms and Conditions.



  1. Hosting, design and Security


The website is designed and hosted by: UK Legal Checkup Ltd


They are responsible for fundamental changes to the look and structure of the website under the supervision and instruction of the directors.   The website has been moved to an “https” sign to heighten security, given the increase in online forms and overall website traffic.


The website sits on a dedicated server and is backed up  to prevent any loss of content and potential spam attacks.


There is also in place, a downtime alarm that notifies key personnel in the event that the website was to drop, thus minimising the potential effect on the business and new clients using the website at the time.


Only [name] – Marketing Manager, [name] – Marketing Executive and [website host name] have physical access to the website. Passwords are changed every 8 weeks to heighten security. In the event that a member of the marketing team or [website host name] (who hold access to the website) leave either business, passwords are changed automatically



  1. Responsibility


Has overall responsibility for the website within the firm, though day to day responsibility is delegated to XXX .   It is their responsibility to:

  • All content is accurate
  • Content does not infringe copyright
  • The site complies with the Disability & Equality Act 2011
  • There is a privacy notice that explains how data collected from visitors is managed by the firm. This should include a Privacy Policy, a Cookie Policy and Terms & Conditions of use
  • Content is up to date at all times allowing a reasonable time to implement updates
  • Conditions for both uploading material and making external links have been clearly specified
  • SEO strategy including Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns including spend are agreed with departments in advance
  • The website is hosted securely and uptime levels exceed 99%
  • Passwords for the Content Management System (CMS) are effective and protect unauthorised access to making changes on the site
  • The website reflects [company name] brand values
  • Website performance is measured through [Google Analytics and KPIs] regularly reported
  • Website availability and security issues are constantly monitored and any issues raised are immediately reported to the hosting company, marketing team and IT manager with appropriate recovery action taken immediately



  1. Permitted and Prohibited use


The firm’s website should be used to promote the firm’s brand.  Any content should seek to further these aims.

Examples of content includes:

  • General information regarding the firm such as its history and profile
  • Services provided by the firm
  • Staff profiles
  • Positive news stories regarding the firm
  • Recruitment and training contracts
  • Contact details

Content which is not permitted includes:

  • That which does not comply with the SRA Code of Conduct
  • Personal staff details
  • Libellous content



  1. Links to third party websites


The firm is not responsible for the content of third party websites, however any links must meet the following conditions:

  • Be relevant and appropriate
  • Operate effectively
  • Where appropriate, reciprocated
  • Not in breach of Legality Ltd prohibited content rules, as specified above
  1. Compliance


The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) regulations specify that all websites must have a requirement for user consent to any information being stored or accessed on their computer.  Users must be provided with clear and comprehensive information on any such material.  This does not apply where such access or storage is necessary for a service requested by the user.

  • The SRA Code of Conduct dictates that the website must include (but is not limited to) the following content:
  • the words “authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority”
  • the firm’s registered name and number
  • Links to SRA Code



  1. Authority to make changes and update or delete content


Will use the skills and experience as appropriate to implement changes to the website whilst retaining overall responsibility as set out above.



  1. Regular Review of the Website


A full review of the website is conducted every 3 months.



  1. Consideration of accessibility requirements for disabled clients


Much consideration has been given to the website accessibility requirements for disabled persons. Some practical points that we have covered during the design and build of the website and in our day to day website management includes:

  • We have not made the website dependant on colour and we underline important links where possible;
  • Where there is important information we have tried to use black text on a white background;
  • We have made the text on each page larger enough to read;
  • We ensure our images have ALT text;
  • We have not made the website pages dependent on images;
  • We have not used CAPTCHA filters on call back forms;
  • We have put the main content from each page first in the HTML code
  • We have divided the website into sections with appropriate headings &
  • We have limited Flash objects


  1. Policy Review


This policy will be reviewed twice yearly or when there is a change in circumstances, in work or the introduction of relevant new legislation.   The responsibility for implementation and review of this policy lies with Legality Ltd.